Meet Our Staff: Paul Kinsella, Head of Music

When do you think your passion for music started?

My passion for music was always there but was really consolidated in my mid-teens.

What is your position here at the College and what does that involve?

My position is Head of Music. I am responsible for all aspects of the music program, curriculum, instrumental, vocal and the co-curricular programs.

How long have you worked at Santa Maria?

This is my 19th year at the College.

What is your music style?

Western art music for violin and rock, pop and contemporary for piano, but I have a general appreciation for all musical styles

What instruments do you play?

Piano and violin

Who is your favourite musician or biggest influence and why?

Vaughan Hanly who is the ex-leader of WASO. He’s an amazing violinist and musician and the best teacher of any kind I have come across.

What is the best music concert you’ve been to?

It’s so hard to pick. Bruce Springsteen and the Eagles are up there, along with an amazing concert featuring Symphonie Fantastique, with a brilliant international conductor, where I watched from the choir loft at the Perth Concert Hall and so could observe him front on.

Tell us a little about your own musical pursuits.

I focussed on the violin at school, and then when I went to university, I explored contemporary piano styles in the background. I began teaching the violin and piano at 17. I started my first cover band at 20. I began teaching at Penrhos College around the same time. I kept forming different bands and groups as the need arose.  I directed musical productions at Iona Presentation College over six years and then did the same at Santa Maria in partnership with Head of Drama, Hal Davies, before he retired. I take choirs, orchestra, Swing Band, rock bands, class music and perform with friends when the opportunity arises.

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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